MArch Thesis 

The Fourth Register of Architecture: 'Model As ...'

Photos by Soane Museum London.

Abstract: The model has been largely overlooked in architectural discourse to date and has historically been overshadowed by drawing in both academia and practice. Alberti’s theories1 augmented Pre-Renaissance conceptions of the model, representing a defining shift in model thinking that still seems pertinent today. He saw the model as a conceptual device for the architect rather than an illustrative tool to present to the patron. This thesis investigates how the physical architectural model might be considered an important component in the architect’s toolbox with the ability to iteratively inform design. Exploring the role of the model will not only help us understand its value beyond a purely descriptive object surrogate for the proposed building, but will also enable us to critically analyse the model’s existence as the physical embodiment of something as intangible as a concept, and in its essence as a catalytic design tool.

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