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Contact Farlie Reynolds

farlie.makes@gmail.com | https://tinyurl.com/y42klqd3

www.unit-8.net | @unit8_bartlett

www.unit6.info | @unit6_bartlett

Unit 21, The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL | Unit 6, The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL | RIBA President's Medals - Farlie Reynolds


Farlie is an Architect, educator and maker based in London. She is currently a Project Architect at Adam Richards studio, working on a range of residential, cultural projects and competitions such as the New Lucien Freud Gallery in Lincolnshire, the redevelopment of Graylingwell Chapel and an experimental woodland residence in The South Downs National Park. Alongside practice, Farlie is a Lecturer at The Bartlett School of Architecture, where she has led a unit since 2017. Her teaching agenda leading BSc Unit 8 promotes an experimental, testing-led methodology, seeking new ways of building and experiencing architecture through designing and testing using digital and analogue fabrication techniques. Farlie also works as a researcher and collaborates on education workshops in schools with S.T.O.R.E projects.

Her creative practice and research interrogates the role of the architectural model and its value within the discourse. Currently her work focuses primarily on making-led experiments - she works largely through a hybridisation of hand-crafted and digitally fabricated pieces. Farlie studied Architecture at The Bartlett, UCL, graduating in 2015. She was awarded the UCL Faculty Medal and shortlisted for the RIBA Bronze Medal for her undergraduate work, and received the UCL Alumni Scholarship and Bartlett Medal for her postgraduate studies.

Previously she has worked for Matthew Springett Associates, Gruff Architects, Meadowcroft Griffin Architects and held an architectural research position with Professor Christine Hawley at UCL. She has previously led BSc Unit 6 , Y1 design studio and Summer Schools at The Bartlett. Her work has been exhibited internationally in the UK, Hong Kong and Denmark.